News Messages
Nomination forms for ANS-DESD Division Lifetime Achievement Award and ANS-DESD Division Award of Excellence are available online at nomination.
ANS-DESD Division Lifetime Achievement Award
(Requires at least 10 years membership in DESD)
This award honors all encompassing work based on the efforts and involvement of an individual over a significant period of time. It is not envisioned as being awarded for specific project work - that would be more appropriate for an "Award of Excellence."
ANS-DESD Division Award of Excellence
This award honors accomplishments of our colleagues who have made outstanding contributions to the field of decommissioning, decontamination and site reutilization. The award honors an individual or group of individuals making a significant contribution to the state of the art, an important publication, a major technical achievement, or a sustained record of significant achievement, accomplishment and technical excellence.
Last modified June 26, 2024, 8:29am CDT