Archive 2003
Chair's Message - 2003
Welcome to the American Nuclear Society's Decommissioning, Decontamination and Reutilization (DD&R) Division Website. If you've gotten this far that means either means you are lost or you are truly interested in nuclear decommissioning.
Simply put the goal of DD&R as defined in our bylaws is to advance decommissioning technology and
disseminate this knowledge.
The prime method of doing this is sponsoring sessions at the Annual and Winter Meetings of the American Nuclear Society. At the 2003 Annual Meeting in San Diego CA, DD&R sponsored an Embedded Topical Meeting on decommissioning with over 70 papers and attendance flowing out of the doors of our meeting rooms.
Over the next year, in addition to sponsoring sessions at the 2003 ANS Winter Meeting in New Orleans, LA (Nov 16-20) and the 2004 ANS Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA (June 13-17), DD&R will be sponsoring two sessions at the Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference in Honolulu, HI (March 21- 25, 2004). Details on these meetings can be found at Plans are also being made to support the Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division in putting together the program for Spectrum 2004 in Atlanta, GA and a DD&R sponsored Topical Meeting planned for August 2005.
DD&R is also in the process of reviewing the responses to our members questionnaire so that we can improve member service. The results of the questionnaire will be posted the website including what DD&R plans to do to address the results.
What can you do to support DD&R? Participate!
DD&R publishes a newsletter twice per year, if you have something to contribute contact Vince Likar,, our newsletter editor and let him know. If you have a paper you think is suitable in an ANS Magazine or Journal contact me and I will work with you and ANS to get it published. If the sessions we are sponsoring at ANS Meetings don't meet your needs contact Mark Price,, our Program Committee Chair with your suggestions for sessions that meet your needs.
I invite you to explore our website to find what is happening in DD&R and our plans for the future. Come back often as the website changes to reflect new developments. Also if you have any suggestions please e-mail me, We are always looking for input from our members.
Jim Byrne
Last modified May 10, 2024, 11:36am CDT